Sunday, April 4, 2010

Exercise 5 - Travel Writing (lonely planet)

Try to write a compelling beginning.

Remember the following tips:
- move on if you can't find a compelling start to your story. don't waste too much time.
- if with difficulty, try making na list of important experiences you had on that trip and then organize
- the structure of your beginning if your calling card to editors and your one change to inspire him/her to read on.

My sample:

His eyes were closed as his fingers fluidly played on the keys. The color of his skin was a good contrast against the bronze body of his saxophone. I stood in front of him and dropped a few quarters, my first time to have Aussie money. He heard the coins land on his basking case. He gave me a nod of acknowledgement and smiled, as he continued on to play to the tune of "What a Beautiful World".

I just arrived in Sydney.

The lively atmosphere on that Friday night gave me my first taste of the Sydney kind of lifestyle. Couple walking along the port comfortably chatting, held on to each other hands and found their way through the rush-hour of the afternoon. Yuppies in their smart work attire seemed so beautiful and handsome albeit the need to catch the next train ride. Impressively professional compared to the fashion sense here in Auckland.

Vibrant. Alive. Huge. Adjectives that purely described this city. the small alleys offerred a lot to explore, pubs or shops. The aura was more European to me than American. I guess that's why I felt like I was in London.

I found that I liked it there. The "hugeness" swallowed my "smallness", made me anonymous in the crowd. Although for some, Auckland's defined cityscapes is enough to keep them calm, safe and laidback.

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